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人气浏览: (3008) 发布时间: [2020-10-21]
        Health & Safety: 健康&安全
        1.Building plan approval / Permit 建筑设计核准/许可证
        2.Fire NOC 建筑消防验收报告/备案
        3.Genset installation approval 发动机组安装审批
        4.Building Stability Certificate 建筑结构稳定性证书
        5.Appointment of Labour Welfare / Safety Officer 劳工福利/安全管理员任命书
        6.Drinking Water Potability test 饮用水测试报告
        7.Boiler License 锅炉证
        8.Lift License / Inspection certificate 升降机许可证/检验证
        9.Boiler Operator and Electrician Certificate 锅炉操作工证和电工证
        10.Noise and Illumination level test Certificate 噪音和照明度测试报告
        11.Sanitation Certificate 卫生许可证
        12.Health Certificate for Workers 员工健康证
        13.Doctor / Nurse Appointment Letter 医生/护士任命证书
        14.First Aid Training Certificate 急救培训证书
        15.Fire Fighting Training Certificate 消防培训证书
        16.Fire Mock drill training records 消防演习培训记录
        17.Industrial accident records 工伤事故记录
        18.Pollution Control board – Consent order 污染控制管理委员会-同意书
        19.Waste disposal records / Procedures 废水处理记录/流程
        20.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) training records 个人防护用品培训记录
        21.Chemical safety training records 化学品安全培训记录
        22.List of chemicals used (Hazardous / Non-hazardous) 化学品使用清单(危险品/非危险品)
        23.Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) records物料安全数据表记录
        24.Maintenance records of eye wash station 洗眼器维护记录
        25.Machines maintenance/service records 机器保养/维修记录
        26.Lock Out/Tag Out survey report, LOTO training records 上锁与挂牌的评估报告及培训记录
        27.Water Extraction Permit, if applicable 地下水抽水许可证 (若适用)
        28.Permit for onsite waste disposal废物处理许可证
        29.License issued by government authority to hazardous waste collector 政府颁发的危废收集许可证

        30.Contract agreement with licensed contractor for hazardous waste collection 与具有危废处理资质机构签订的合同协议


        31.Hazardous Waste Transfer Contract/ License of Hazardous Waste Handler/License of Hazardous Waste Transporter/Hazardous Waste Manifest, if applicable 危废转移合同/危废处理执照/危废运输执照/危废清单(若适用)
        32.Waste inventory and tracking records 废弃物清单以及处理转移记录
        33.Wastewater monitoring records 废水监测记录
        34.Flow Chart (indicating all key processes) 污水处理流程图(标识所有关键流程)
        35.Drainage layout 排水管网图
        36.Waste treatment equipment’s maintenance records 废物处理设备的维修记录
        37.Wastewater Treatment Plant operator certificate if applicable 废水处理站操作员工作证(若适用)
        38.Approval of waste treatment system i.e. IEE (Initial Environmental Examination) / EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) 环保设施许可文件,例如:环境竣工验收/环境影响评估
        39.Environmental Impact Assessment Reports and Approval / Environmental Protection Acceptance Report / Pollutant Discharge Permit if applicable 环境影响评估报告和批复/环境保护验收报告/排污许可证(若适用)
        40.Air emissions control equipment’s maintenance records 废气排放处理设施维护记录
        41.Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) inventory and maintenance records 臭氧层消耗物质清单以及维护记录
        42.Fuel consumption record for factory’s transportation 企业交通工具燃料使用记录
        43.Green House Gases (GHG) emissions inventory 温室气体排放清单
        44.Emergency response plan including relevant training and drills records 应急响应计划,包括相关培训和演习记录
        45.Risk Assessment (procedure & records) 风险评估(程序&记录)
        46.Banned Chemicals List if any 禁用化学品清单(若适用)
        47.Vehicle operator licenses for any/all types of motorized vehicles 车辆操作员许可证/适用于所有机动车辆
        48.Meeting notes from recent health and safety committee meetings 最近的健康安全委员会会议记录
        49.Air receiver is fit to operate certificate 储气罐适用证书
        50.Steam receiver is fit to operate certificate 蒸汽储气罐适用证书
        51.Food test reports 食品测试报告
        52.Accident records / accident analysis records 事故记录/事故分析记录
        53.Electrical safety test report 电器安全测试报告
        54.Thermographic survey report 温度监测报告
        55.VOC test reports /Air emission monitoring report if applicable 有机挥发物检测报告/空气排放监测报告(若适用)
        56.Cooling tower water reports / legionella reports 冷凝塔水质监测报告/军团病杆菌检测报告
        57.Inspection reports (fire hydrant system, sprinkler, detection system, extinguisher,firefighting equipment, emergency lamps) 检测报告(消防栓系统,喷淋,探测系统,灭火器,消防设备,应急灯具)
        58.PPE suitability assessment, PPE selection criteria, PPE list, PPE inspection records 个人防护用品适用性评估,选择标准,清单,检查记录
        59.Confined space list, confined space entry procedure 密闭空间清单,密闭空间进入程序
        60.PCB survey, PCB training records PCB多氯联二苯评估及PCB培训记录
        61.Asbestos survey, training records 石棉评估及培训记录
        62.Food supplier’s medical reports 食品供应商健康体检报告
        63.PHI report for the canteen 餐厅的PHI(过氧化氢干雾空间灭菌)报告 (若适用)
        64.Canteen License 餐饮经营许可证
        65.Hot Work operation procedure 热处理工操作程序
        66.Compressed gas cylinder operation procedure 压缩气瓶操作流程
        67.Work permits for special & dangerous operations – forklift driver, lift operator,Electrician and Welder, boiler operator. 特殊工种&危险作业工作许可证-例如叉车司机,升降机操作员,电工,焊接工,锅炉操作工
        Management Systems: 管理体系
        1.Social & Labor Policies and Procedures (including goal/strategy/performance, responsible persons (roles & responsibility, CSR team org chart) 社会责任&劳工政策和程序(包括目标/战略/绩效),负责人(职责与权限),企业社会责任组织架构图
        2.Factory rules and regulations / Employee handbook 企业规章制度/员工手册
        3.EHS policy & procedure 健康安全环境政策及流程
        4.Communication and training records for employees, suppliers, subcontractors. 员工,供应商,分包商培训交流记录
        5.Internal audit records and improvement plan 内审记录和改进计划



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