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人气浏览: (2960) 发布时间: [2017-08-31]
        1. METAL CONTROL  Target验厂-金属物件管理
        1.1 Needle, Sharp ObjectsPoints 针和利器
        Sharp objectspoints pose a cutting or piercing injury hazard to the wearer. 
        Foreign bodies left in garments during manufacture can also pose a health risk. 
        Known Objects 已知的物品如下:
        ? Broken sewing machine needles. 断针
        ? Hand sewing needles. 绣花针
        ? Pins or staples. 大头针或订书钉
        ? Safety pins. 安全别针
        ? Broken or burred edges on accessories. 断裂或者带刺的辅料
        ? Metal zips. 金属拉链
        ? Sharp points or edges on accessories. 带锐利点或者边的辅料
        ? Wired ribbon. 电缆
        ? Brooches.胸针
        1.2 Needle Control Procedure 针头管理流程
        1.2.1   No sewing worker  operator shall be in possession of any needles other than those in the machine. 工人和操作人员不能拥有任何除机器上以外的针
        1.2.2  All spare needles must be held by a supervisor in a secure, locked location with record of qtytype. 所有多余的针都必须由主管保管在安全、上锁的位置,并记录数量种类。
        1.2.3  Only the supervisor shall issue needles to operators. 只有主管才能发放针
        1.2.4  If a needle becomes blunt, the supervisor will issue a new needle and retain the old one for safe disposal. Regular, planned replacement is recommended.
        1.2.5  If a needle breaks, the parts must be looked for. When all are found, a new needle can be issued. 
        1.2.6  If all the parts cannot be found, the following procedure must be carried out
        a.  Work being stitched, plus adjacent bundles, must be screened with a hand-held metal detector in a special area. A wooden table positioned away from the sewing line is recommended. 在已经做好的物品范围内,用手持检针机检验。推荐用木质桌来远离生产流水线。
        b.  Work must be carried to the special area in a box or plastic bag to prevent the needle fragment from falling onto the factory floor. 必须在特定的区域,用纸箱或者塑料袋来防止碎针落到地板上。
        c.  A small magnet may be used to locate the needle fragment around the dewing machine 在缝纫机周围,可用小磁铁寻找断针部分
        d.  If the missing parts still cannot be found, the garments must be destroyed.如果无法找到,整件衣服必须销毁。
        e.  Production must not start until these procedures have been carried out 在未按如上步骤解决问题之前,不能恢复生产。
        1.2.7  Broken needle parts must be mounted with clear adhesive tape onto a record sheet. 断针部分必须立刻用玻璃胶贴在记录表上。
        1.2.8  To ensure that the supervisor can tell whether all the needle parts are found, an example of each needle being used on the sewing line should be mounted onto a card and kept for reference with the broken needle record. 为了确保主管能够将所有的部分收回,在各种针使用的地方,必须用一张卡片贴上样品针来做参考。
        1.2.9  Records must be kept of needle breakages by machine type, size & operation. 记录断针必须要包含如下信息: 机器种类,尺寸和操作的业务。
        1.2.10  Records should be kept of all new needles issued to the line, to correspond with brokendamaged needle records. 换针记录必须要和断针记录相对应。
        1.2.11  Regularly analyse (metal detector to be calibrated every 2 hours) the records to detect trends which will indicate machine maintenance, operator error or incorrect needle type.
        Needles for label guns must be controlled by the same procedures.
        1.2.13  Hand-sewing needles should be issued daily by the supervisor, and a record kept of issue and return. 手工针必须由主管每天发放,按时规范。并记录。
        If a hand-sewing needle is lost, it must be searched for in the area adjacent to the operator, and in the garments being worked on. If it cannot be found, the same procedure should be followed as for broken machine needles. 如果手工针丢失,必须在使用者的相关区域内检针。如果不能找到,按照上述机器断针流程操作。
        1.2.14  Metal detector to be located at a separate area. 检针机要放在独立的区域
        1.3  Metal tools policy 金属工具策略
        1.3.1  Metal tools for temporarily using Those metal tools have to be safely stored at a separate area when they are not using, like electric cutter, big scissors, etc. 临时使用的金属工具:这些金属工具在未使用时需要存放在一个独立的区域,比如电剪刀,大剪刀等。
        1.3.2  Some metal tools always are using in the working hours, like small scissors, to be tied at machine corner or worker’s neck. 



        2. QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM  Target验厂质量控制系统
        2.1  Factory has to establish a reliable quality control system and approved quality manual, ensure the incoming material and product can meet CGA’s quality requirements. So, factory has to take inspections for incoming materials (yarn, fabric and trim), cutting piece, knitting piece, inline-sewing and finished-final process. And well recorded on report. All of the report MUST including STYLE NO, PO NO, QTY, INSPECTION QTY, PROBLEMS AND QTY, CORRECTION ACTION based on AQL 2.5.
        工厂必须建立起可靠的质量控制系统和被认可的质量手册,来确保原材料和产品都达到CGA的标准。因此,工厂需要对其原材料(纱,布料和线),裁片,针织片,中道,后道等程序进行检验。并合理记录在报告上。根据AQL2.5, 所有报告必须包含款号,订单号,数量,检验数量,问题和数量,改进方案等。
        3. Safety Target验厂-安全
        3.1  Fire escape exits 消防通道
        a. keep unlocked 保持常开
        b. well labelled 标识   c. Unobstructed 未被阻塞
        3.2  Fire evacuation drill to be carried every 12 month and well recorded 每年一次消防演练并记录
        3.3  Fire extinguisher to be well maintained and well recorded. 灭火器需养护并记录
        3.4  PPE mesh gloves for cutting operators, protect glass and mask for washer ect… 个人防护设备:防切金属手套,防护镜,面具等
        3.5  Chemical all hazardous chemical s have to be well stored at separate area with clear materials safety data sheet 危险化学品需有清晰的MSDS,并正确存放在独立区域。
        3.6  Safety guards All machines have to fixed adequate safety guards. 机器保护装置
        3.7  First Aid Box with trained first aid workers (with certificates) photos, emergency call no., emergency treatment guild line copy onnear 1st aid box. There are sufficiently stock in 1st aid boxes. There is at least 1 pc at each floor in the production building.
        4. House keeping  Target验厂-厂房管理
        4.1  Warehouse All incoming materials have to be placed on trays or ranks with clearly identified in the separate area. 仓库:所有材料都必须放在托盘或栅栏上并清晰标注
        4.2  Workshop 车间
        a.  All product must not sweep on floor 产品不能拖到地面
        b.  All machines and workshop to be keep clean and tidy 机器和厂房保持整洁
        c.  Approved sample to be placed on each work station 各工作小组需放有确认样
        d.  Keep the corridors free. 保持走道畅通
        e.  All production lines must laid out in an efficient manner. 产品流水比如用效率的方式排放
        4.3  Packing area   Target塔吉特验厂对包装区要求
        a.  The packing area must be adequate, tidy and clean and well lit. 包装区需独立、整洁,光亮。
        b.  An approved sample to be placed for checking. 检查时需放有确认样
        c.  Each customer’s products need clearly segregated and marked once packing is complete.不同客户的产品需要清晰分离并在包装完成时立刻注明。



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